Questions To Ask A Therapist Before Starting Your Online Therapy

Meeting with a therapist for the first time may be a bit overwhelming. But there are some helpful ways to make starting your online therapy less nerve-racking. The first and the best way is to make sure you’ve chosen a therapist that will be a good fit for you. In our previous article, we have already given some tips to help you choose the right therapist. Studies in the field of psychology have shown that the connection you feel with your therapist is an important indicator of success in therapy. So, make sure you will have a great therapeutic relationship with your counselor.

Here are a few questions to ask your therapist before committing to treatment with them. These questions can easily be addressed in your first consultation via email or a telephonic conversation so that you can feel confident about positive outcome with your therapy. Most therapists do answer these questions without any hesitation and help people decide if they are the right person to help them. More importantly, these consultation calls are often offered at no cost. Read on to know how these simple ways can help you reach your goals.

1. Are You Using A Secured Technology? Is My Session Safe And Confidential?

Mental health providers are supposed to keep everything related to their clients confidential with only a few exceptions. So don’t hesitate to ask your provider if their technology is HIPAA compliant just to feel confident that no one has the ability to sneak in online during your sessions or that your personal information is sold to a third party.

2. What Kind Of Equipment Do I Need For My Online Therapy?

As the name suggests, it’s a service that relies on the internet. So make sure you have it. You may have to have teleconferencing apps such as Zoom, Skype or a Google meets on your desktop, iPhone, Android tablet, or any other smartphone. Choose a high-speed internet plan which is faster than the regular one so as to make the session smooth and uninterrupted. Make sure you do not have any other live streaming going on within your network, so as to avoid any interruptions in your telehealth session. Asking your therapist about the technology they are using and finding more resources available is the next important step.

3. How Is My Payment Handled For The Therapy Sessions?

Feel free to ask if they have digital payment options such as debit or credit card payments or an EMI option. Since it is an online session, you may not be asked to pay in cash. You may also find out if you’re asked to pay on an hourly basis or as per the number of sessions.

4. What Is The Mode Of Communication Followed In Between Sessions?

It is important for you as a client to know their policy much in advance, so that you can give a call, send an email, or text in case of questions or concerns in between sessions. Some therapists may allow you to contact in case of an emergency. But you must know what constitutes an emergency. Some therapists may only be available during the sessions and may not offer you an opportunity to speak to them when you need their help. While other therapy centers may provide 24/7 customer support to their clients to assist them with any kind of concerns or issues that may arise in between sessions. Therefore, it is very essential for a first-timer to understand your counselor’s policy for the contact between sessions to ensure you are both a good fit for each other and that there are no miscommunications, but only clear expectations.

5. What Experience Do You Have In Treating People Like Me?

Since you have made a wise decision to find a solution for your mental health problem through online counseling, make sure you find the right therapist who has decent experience in the field of psychotherapy. Therapists often specialize in specific areas and become experts in their respective specializations. So, feel free to ask this question to ensure you’re getting the best therapist who meets your requirements. If they don’t specialize in what you’re looking for, you may ask them for references that might help you. Often, a leading therapy center like Psychotherapy Partners has a bunch of experts who can help you get specific treatment for your mental health problems.

6. My problem is ________ .What is your approach in treating that?

This is of course a straightforward question. It is not just about explaining your problem, but even describing symptoms that would help. For example, say if you have insomnia, anxieties, and anger outbursts, ask your therapist how would he/she treat that? ” Most of the therapists come out with a positive response and help you walk through their counseling approach. And it is important for you to understand your therapy program so that you get an overview of their style and feel confident that you are in safe hands.

Conclusion: Mental health care is important and teletherapy has become more accessible than ever before. You can expect the best care and treatment from the skilled specialists like those at Teletherapy in Minneapolis, who combine treatment modalities to support specific needs for healing and transformation. Finding the right therapist for yourself or your loved ones may take some time, but the search will be worthwhile.

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